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1.On strong homotopy for quasi-schemoidsKatsuhiko Kuribayashi, 1-14abstractpdf2.Model categories with simple homotopy categoriesJean-Marie Droz and Inna Zakharevich, 15-39abstractpdf3.Weak braided monoidal categories and their homotopy colimitsMirjam Solberg, 40-48abstractpdf4.Un théorème A de Quillen pour les 2-foncteurs laxJonathan Chiche, 49-85abstractpdf5.Algebraic Kan extensions in double categoriesSeerp Roald Koudenburg, 86-146abstractpdf6.Bicategorical homotopy pullbacksA.M. Cegarra, B.A. Heredia, J.Remedios, 147-205abstractpdf7.Characteristic subobjects in semi-abelian categoriesAlan S. Cigoli and Andrea Montoli, 206-228abstractpdf8.Limit closures of classes of commutative ringsMichael Barr, John F. Kennison, R. Raphael, 229-304abstractpdf9.Partial-sup latticesToby Kenney, 305-331abstractpdf10.Lax formal theory of monads, monoidal approach to bicategoricalstructures and generalized operadsDimitri Chikhladze, 332-386abstractpdf11.A cocategorical obstruction to tensor products of Gray-categoriesJohn Bourke and Nick Gurski, 387-409abstractpdf12.Normalizers, centralizers and action accessibilityJ. R. A. Gray, 410-432abstractpdf13.Operadic definitions of weak $n$-category: coherence and comparisonsThomas Cottrell, 433-488abstractpdf14.Slicing sites and semireplete factorization systemsThorsten Palm, 489-526abstractpdf15.Notes on commutation of limits and colimitsMarie Bjerrum, Peter Johnstone, Tom Leinster, William F. Sawin, 527-532abstractpdf16.Polynomials in categories with pullbacksMark Weber, 533-598abstractpdf17.Extensive categories and the size of an orbitErnie Manes, 599-619abstractpdf18.Cartesian differential storage categoriesR. Blute, J.R.B. Cockett, and R.A.G. Seely, 620-686abstractpdf19.The accessibility rank of weak equivalencesG. Raptis and J. Rosický, 687-703abstractpdf20.A model structure on internal categories in simplicial setsGeoffroy Horel, 704-750abstractpdf21.Categories enriched over a quantaloid: AlgebrasQiang Pu and Dexue Zhang, 751-774abstractpdf22.An algebraic definition of ($\infty$,n)-categoriesCamell Kachour, 775-807abstractpdf23.Reflexivity and dualizability in categorified linear algebraMartin Brandenburg, Alexandru Chirvasitu, and Theo Johnson-Freyd, 808-835abstractpdf24.Categories in controlJohn C. Baez and Jason Erbele, 836-881abstractpdf25.Actions in modified categories of interest with application to crossed modulesY. Boyaci, J. M. Casas, T. Datuashvili and E. O. Uslu, 882-908abstractpdf26.Internal choice holds in the discrete partof any cohesive topos satisfying stable connected codiscretenessF. W. Lawvere and M. Menni, 909-932abstractpdf27.On the second cohomology categorical group and a Hochschild-Serre 2-exact sequenceA.R. Garzon and E.M. Vitale, 933-984abstractpdf28.Skew-monoidal reflection and lifting theoremsStephen Lack and Ross Street, 985-1000abstractpdf29.Deligne groupoid revisitedPaul Bressler, Alexander Gorokhovsky, Ryszard Nest and Boris Tsygan, 1001-1016abstractpdf30.Finite categories with pushoutsD. Tambara, 1017-1031abstractpdf31.Reduced smooth stacks?Giorgio Trentinaglia, 1032-1066abstractpdf32.Cyclic homology arising from adjunctionsNiels Kowalzig, Ulrich Krähmer, and Paul Slevin, 1067-1095abstractpdf33.Decorated cospansBrendan Fong, 1096-1120abstractpdf34.A note on transport of algebraic structuresHenrik Holm, 1121-1131abstractpdf35.Generalized covering space theoriesJeremy Brazas, 1132-1162abstractpdf36.Building a Model Category out of cofibrations and fibrationsSeunghun Lee, 1163-1180abstractpdf37.A C-system defined by a universe categoryVladimir Voevodsky, 1181-1214abstractpdf38.IntercategoriesMarco Grandis and Robert Paré, 1215-1255abstractpdf39.Stacks of Ann-Categories and their morphismsEttore Aldrovandi, 1256-1286abstractpdf40.Segal group actionsMatan Prasma, 1287-1305abstractpdf41.On reflective subcategories of locally presentable categoriesJ. Adamek and J. Rosicky, 1306-1318abstractpdf42.Gauge invariant surface holonomy and monopolesArthur J. Parzygnat, 1319-1428abstractpdf43.Transformation double categories associated to 2-group actionsJeffrey C. Morton and Roger Picken, 1429-1468abstractpdf44.Proximity biframes and compactifications of completely regular orderedspacesGuram Bezhanishvili and Patrick J. Morandi, 1469-1500abstractpdf45.$A_\infty$-morphisms with several entriesVolodymyr Lyubashenko, 1501-1551abstractpdf46.Homotopy unital $A_\infty$-morphisms with several entriesVolodymyr Lyubashenko, 1552-1623abstractpdf47.The waves of a total categoryR.J. Wood, 1624-1646abstractpdf48.Limits of abstract elementary classesM. Lieberman, J. Rosicky, 1647-1658abstractpdf49.Operads as polynomial 2-monadsMark Weber, 1659-1712abstractpdf50.Internal algebra classifiers as codescent objects of crossed internalcategoriesMark Weber, 1713-1792abstractpdf51.Algebras of open dynamical systems on the operad of wiring diagramsDmitry Vagner, David I. Spivak, and Eugene Lerman, 1793-1822abstractpdf52.Mutation pairs and triangulated quotientsZengqiang Lin and Minxiong Wang, 1823-1840abstractpdf53.Profinite topological spacesG. Bezhanishvili, D. Gabelaia, M. Jibladze, P. J. Morandi, 1841-1863abstractpdf54.Algebraically coherent categoriesAlan S. Cigoli, James R. A. Gray and Tim Van der Linden, 1864-1905abstractpdf55.Groupoids in categories with pretopologyRalf Meyer and Chenchang Zhu, 1906-1998abstractpdf56.On the 3-representations of groups and the 2-categorical tracesWei Wang, 1999-2047abstractpdfReturn to top.

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1.A category of quantum categoriesDimitri Chikhladze, 1-37abstractdvipspdf2.A remark about the Connes fusion tensor productAndreas Thom, 38-50abstractdvipspdf3.Remarks on punctual local connectednessPeter Johnstone, 51-63abstractdvipspdf4.Comparative smootheologyAndrew Stacey, 64-117abstractdvipspdf5.Monoidal functor categories and graphic Fourier transformsBrian J. Day, 118-141abstractdvipspdf6.Reflective-coreflective equivalenceErik Bédos, S. Kaliszewski, and John Quigg, 142-179abstractdvipspdf7.An embedding theorem for adhesive categoriesStephen Lack, 180-188abstractdvipspdf8.Model-categories of coalgebras over operadsJustin R. Smith, 189-246abstractdvipspdf9.A small observation on co-categoriesPeter LeFanu Lumsdaine, 247-250abstractdvipspdf10.Higher categorified algebras versus bounded homotopy algebrasDavid Khudaverdyan, Ashis Mandal, and Norbert Poncin, 250-275abstractdvipspdf11.Symmetry and Cauchy completion of quantaloid-enriched categoriesHans Heymans and Isar Stubbe, 276-294abstractdvipspdf12.Towards a homotopy theory of higher dimensional transition systemsPhilippe Gaucher, 294-341abstractdvipspdf13.Covariant presheaves and subalgebrasUlrich Höhle, 342-367abstractdvipspdf14.On involutive monoidal categoriesJ.M. Egger, 368-393abstractdvipspdf15.The Faà di Bruno constructionJ.R.B. Cockett and R.A.G. Seely, 394-425abstractdvipspdf16.Semidirect products and crossed modules in varieties of right $\Omega$-loopsEdward B. Inyangala, 426-435abstractdvipspdf17.Yoneda theory for double categoriesRobert Paré, 436-489abstractdvipspdf18.Flows: cocyclic and almost cocyclicMichael Barr, John F. Kennison, and R. Raphael, 490-507abstractdvipspdf19.Countable meets in coherent spaces with applications to thecyclic spectrumMichael Barr, John F. Kennison, and R. Raphael, 508-532abstractdvipspdf20.On reflective-coreflective equivalence and associated pairsErik Bédos, S. Kaliszewski, and John Quigg, 533-536abstractdvipspdf21.Differential restriction categoriesJ.R.B. Cockett, G.S.H. Cruttwell, and J. D. Gallagher, 537-613abstractdvipspdf22.Symbolic dynamics and the category of graphsTerrence Bisson and Aristide Tsemo, 614-640abstractdvipspdfReturn to top.

1.Bicategories of spans as cartesian bicategoriesStephen Lack, R.F.C. Walters, and R.J. Wood, 1-24abstractdvipspdf2.The Frobenius relations meet linear distributivityJ.M. Egger, 25-38abstractdvipspdf3. Joyal's arithmetic universe as list-arithmetic pretopos Maria Emilia Maietti, 39-83abstractdvipspdf4. Monads as extension systems - no iteration is necessary F. Marmolejo and R. J. Wood, 84-113abstractdvipspdf5. On a conjecture by J.H.Smith George Raptis, 114-116abstractdvipspdf6. Topos theoretic aspects of semigroup actions Jonathon Funk and Pieter Hofstra, 117-147abstractdvipspdf7. Transversal homotopy theory Jonathan Woolf, 148-178abstractpdf8. On modified Reedy and modified projective model structures Mark W. Johnson, 179-208abstractdvipspdf9. Finitely presentable morphisms in exact sequences Michel Hébert, 209-220abstractdvipspdf10. The Hopf algebra of Möbius intervals F. W. Lawvere and M. Menni, 221-265abstractdvipspdf11. Tensor products of sup-lattices and generalized sup-arrows T. Kenney and R.J. Wood, 266-287abstractdvipspdf12. Lax presheaves and exponentiability Susan Niefield, 288-301abstractdvipspdf13. The span construction Robert Dawson, Robert Paré, Dorette Pronk, 302-377abstractdvipspdf14. On *-autonomous categories of topological modules Michael Barr, John F. Kennison, and R. Raphael, 378-393abstractdvipspdf15. A logic for categories Claudio Pisani, 394-417abstractdvipspdf16. On the duality between trees and disks David Oury, 418-450abstractdvipspdf17. Internal profunctors and commutator theory;applications to extensions classification and categorical Galois Theory Dominique Bourn, 451-488abstractdvipspdf18. Higher Dimensional Algebra VII: Groupoidification John C. Baez, Alexander E. Hoffnung, and Christopher D. Walker, 489-553abstractdvipspdf19. Hopf monoidal comonads Dimitri Chikhladze, Stephen Lack, and Ross Street, 554-563abstractdvipspdf20. Strictification of categories weakly enriched in symmetric monoidal categories Bertrand J. Guillou, 564-579abstractdvipspdf21. A unified framework for generalized multicategories G.S.H. Cruttwell and Michael A. Shulman, 580-655abstractdvipspdfReturn to top. 2ff7e9595c


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