First, you must have Classic Terragen installed on your computer. Classic Terragen is available for free download. Choose either the Windows or Mac version according to your platform. A Windows version of this text is available.
There are many sources on the web for free terrain and world file downloads. A little searching will find enough downloads to keep you rendering for a long, long time. For the subject of this tutorial, we will be using a terrain made available available here.
Terragen 2 Deep Edition Free Download
You can only import .hgt .dem .lwo and .ter files. If you are interested download the free Classic version from Planetside and shoot me your personal e-mail and I can give you a bunch of terrain .atm and .srf files that I have created of the past 2 years to mess around. Its a great little hobby to break up straight modeling.
Above Terrain creators are excatly what you need. Also google 3dem. Thats free ware that allows you to down load digital elevation data (.dem) from Hubble as well as .STRM mapping from the shuttle. All open source. Check out Geo- Community for downloads of .dems. I have tried for years to create realalistic surface mesh in AutoCad and Rhino for my renders, however theres nothing like the Real thing. Happy Rendering
TG is a very cool program, With practice you can create some very realistic images. Here is a new image created from a digital elevation map of The Fishtail Mesa Area of AZ. Strata created in Stratagen 2. from 24 bit bitmaps. Some postwork in PH Cs3. If you or anyone else is interested you can download the free version of Terragen 9.43 I can post some of my files to get you going with lighting, surfacing and some terrains. Just ask. 2ff7e9595c